XTA DP548 4-in 8-out Signal Processor
Much more than a sum of its parts, the 5 Series dynamic management takes the features of the 4 Series products and adds the equivalent of four D2 dynamic equalisers across the inputs and a channel of C2 compression on each output, along with a new matrix mixing mode.
With two units available (DP548 – 4 inputs/8 outputs, and DP544 – 4 inputs/4 outputs), all the original features and sound quality of the 4 Series are preserved and expanded upon using a newer DSP platform, and with some never before seen ground breaking features in AudioCore, it all makes for a new dynamic combination…
It’s a long list to cover, but for those who have never used a 4 Series unit, there is a formidable array of tools available to cater for your creative as well as your control/corrective needs.
There are two 5 Series units available:
DP548 – 4 inputs – 8 outputs
DP544 – 4 inputs – 4 outputs
Each input has a 28 band graphic EQ that can be configured to model either our own GQ600, or older inductor based designs such as the DN27.
There are an additional 8 bands of “traditional” parametric EQ on each input.
All parametric sections can be reconfigured to many alternate filter behaviours, including the familiar high and low shelves and notch filters, but along with bandpass, elliptic and variable ‘Q’ shapes, and phase adjustment, in 2 degree steps.
On top of all this EQ that you might be used to comes the incredibly powerful dynamic EQ. Three bands of SiDD’s dynamic EQ are available on each input, with all four modes of operation supported (so, cut/boost either above or below the threshold). Each band will cover the full 20-20k range and has controls for envelope (attack/release) as well as setting the maximum allowable amount of gain adjustment and choosing the “strength” of the effect (the ratio in dynamics terms).
Dynamic EQ may be stored in its own memories, as can graphic EQ settings, all other input settings or all output settings, and every combination of these if necessary.
Considering how daunting this could be, and it is all still editable via the front panel, AudioCore opens up the dynamic EQ ediitng in an incredibly intuitive manner.
Routing inputs to outputs is as flexible as ever with any input or combination of inputs being switchable to any output, and there are various useful templates to get you started (along with default crossover points to help).
The 5 Series also su
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